I'm wrapping up the last day of the course, and it's been an incredible journey. This was my first dive into The School of Breath courses, and honestly, I wasn't too familiar with Abhi beforehand. But now, I totally get why he's so respected and followed. Throughout this course, he shares so much wisdom. If you're looking to grow, not just personally but also to become a master of your life, I highly recommend this course. It's been a game-changer for understanding both myself and the world around me.
Tessa Langley
A true blessing. What an amazing course! Thank you so very much beautiful Soul for sharing your wisdom on Swara Yoga! I am doing it every day and it feels amazing and gives me immense inner peace! Much Love, Light, Peace and Blessings to you, and all!!
Marcus Bright
I feel like i'm experiencing a deep connection with my intuition. So, it's been like 78 days since I started this whole thing, and wow, things have really changed. My gut feelings are sharper than ever, and I'm just pulling in all the good vibes and the right kind of people into my life.
Dylan Carver
I feel like a new person. Awesome sequence Abhi. When I first did the Agnisara pranayama a few years back, my stomach would not move at all lol. It took me a week to start making isolating movements but it was well worth it because it cured my heartburn.
Elise W
I feel like I'm experiencing a deep connection with my intuition. My gut feelings are sharper than ever, and I'm just pulling in all the good vibes and the right kind of people into my life. All the stress and old hurts that were holding me back? Gone. It's been amazing for us. It will be for you too.
Clara Hendrickson
I'm more focused and aware of my nostril dominance. My energy levels are so much better since I started doing the breathing and meditation practices. I'm calmer and more relaxed and I think a better person for it
Dianna Piche
I feel like I have some how done this before and just know. Makes perfect sense to me. I just recognize something. I just know stuff as you talk about it. I don’t know how to explain. Anyway, I love it. Will continue my journey.
Has helped me to regulate my breathwork practice. The challenges are very helpful as they help me stay on track and practice everyday. This has brought peace and discipline to my life. Thank you.
Clarity and easy to understand
Bhuvanesh Valluri
Well structured. Easy to follow. Precise instructions. But would like be to have longer practise videos for each practise or a combination of practises say 30 min or more .
Nikhil Mehta
Reduced anxiety, calmer and peace of mind. The negative chatter is less and less and I can now decide that I don’t want to participate. I choose to be happy by chanting mantras and meditation is part of my daily routine. The breathing techniques are done first because it helps have a deeper experience and connection to the creator.
Virginia DaCosta
First thing I notice (I am in the 4th day of 3rd lecture) that I sleep like a baby. No waking up few times during the night
My self awareness has improved, I can meditate better because of improved concentration on my breath
I learn a lot of new things that i didn't know. It is systematic, well explained and without too much boring and unnecessary knowledge.
Tamara Romic
💬 Felt very silence feeling slow and calmness in mind and breath pattern. Started observing the emotions as you we came here to take the birth for human experience. Practice needed for body observation not moving for relaxation. It will be implemented in daily life. Than you very much for valuable videos very simple and implement easily. Thanks foe expanding about the thoughts, emotions and feelings and mind in simple way. The breathing techniques are very useful. Thank you very much once again. Waiting for more videos for advanced pract8ce of meditation
💬 I'm a long time practitioner of astrology, meditation, yoga, chi-gong, and tai-chi. I've long practiced aligning myself to the moon cycles and planetary movements based upon my own understanding and research but I've know and feel the limitations of relying upon my own knowledge. I've needed more advanced guidance than I have been able to find. I've been seeking to take my meditation, yoga and spiritual practises to the next level for a long time utilizing mudrahs, bandhas, kriyas, and mantras. I am now ready to receive the teacher as it appears. This course answers my request and provides the techniques I've been looking for. Thank you Abhi.
Ray Hardy
💬 Immediate feedback. I feel great directly after the practice, which is not always the case with meditations.
💬 "Thank you for sharing these transformative breathing techniques. The exercises have been incredibly effective in helping me disconnect from stressful thoughts and manage anxiety. I was especially impressed with the Bumblebee Breathing technique—it reduced my blood pressure by 10 points within just 10 minutes of practice. The immediate impact has been profound, and I'm grateful for the positive change your guidance has brought to my well-being."
Practicing every day has added depth to my life. I feel like I can see things with more perspective and at the same time more clearly. I feel I want to progress on this path. I had been wanting do to pranayama for a long time.When I came across your videos I immediately went ahead and started practising. Everything is made easy, your explanations are clear, the rhythm is given, you do the practice with us, so the only thing you cannot give us is motivation to do this practice every day. But I have the motivation. Thank you for sharing your work so generously.
I really love all of the breathwork videos including Tummo breathing. I like the music and the timers. I am a member on the website. I would love a live q and a a I find a few things confusing.
Just wanted to say thank you for what you and your team do. You guys are awesome. Been doing your exercise for a few weeks now. I have lost 20 pound, got my 6 pack back, I stay present all day with easy and I feel absolutely awesome. I am confident this bodies 3rd eye has begun to open.
I really like your app. I've learned many useful techniques and discovered a lot of new things. You explain and present everything to us very clearly, without unnecessary details. My recommendation is to include some videos where you lead a longer pranayama session, lasting, for example, 30-60 minutes, focusing exclusively on pranayama techniques and meditation without additional explanations. Sometimes, all I need is peace, silence, practice, and someone to guide me through it. Thank you so much for everything, and we’ll see each other again soon.
Fill more balanced and centered now days. Sleep is excellent. I fill invigorated. Looking forward to completing the 30 day routines. I am retired and have all day and night to practice. I have a very important question. Lucid dreams are more frequent. Please recommend a activity or task I should try to perform while dreaming lucidly that will advance me on the path to awakening. Looking forward to your response. THANKS!!!!
Relaxing and inspiring. Breathing has become a crucial part of my life thanks to Abhi
I truly learned a lot, and was delighted to wake up each morning at 6:00 am .I find that Ahbi’s were very clear, in Sanscrit, which made me learn lots of new words, like my favorite breath work are Bramri Praniyama…A Million Thanks for Your kind words, and I will return for sure…
Thank you very much for profound theoretical explanations and well balanced inspiring practice with deep insights.
A very relaxed calmness and clarity, I really feel a benefit and enjoy learning these teachings.
I am more in touch with my feelings and able to work through them.
Advanced Tummo breathing, day-9; you suggest we do this technique for 21 days and we will see changes. I’m in week 3 and it’s true, each day the experience deepens. I can feel my chakras glowing, radiating, a warm feeling that glows around my body. It’s the first time. This practice is fantastic, every time I think this is it, you bring us to a deeper experience. I hesitated in becoming a member because a lot of the content is on YouTube but being a member is worth the investment. It provides us with a structured program that we can go back to at anytime. I like that I can take my time. Each practice prepares us to experience fully the next level. I did advanced Tummo breathing , day 9, followed with a mantra, “Aum namaha Shivaya”; the sequence was powerful. The feeling was like I was high, floating, tingling, a feeling of connecting to an higher being. I got a bit scared and happy, thankful all at the same time. I respect that you must be ready for it. I’m looking forward to completing the 9 day breathwork and when I am ready to start “activating your third eye”. I’m honoured to have you Abhi guide us through this wonderful journey and always appreciate the time you take to acknowledge your members!💕
Virginia Da Costa On TUMMO BREATHING
🙏Thanks Abhi, but only 12th one, you were telling us about a very good one which you will give us, I am anxious to try that if possible. I am trying the courses everyday and I must tell you your course's are the best, even the songs while doing it is too good, just love practicing every day it gives me soo much mental peace and my pain relief. I will keep on doing it till I die. I am very grateful 🙏 to you Abhi brother, we are 5 sisters no brother's my elder sister died, I am second, I am the only one in my family family doing meditation also did kriyayog, many years back. I used to practice yoga but now that my knees are bad I can't sit cross legs. I sit on chair to meditation Abhi thank you soi much your teachings are the best, I am very lucky to be in your group I tried so many ways to learn 3eye, also did shaktipath, but didn't succeed, but your course makes us feel very peaceful first I used to cry with pain, but now I thank the Divine and tell him I accept all that is happening. Your breathing exercises have cured my sinuses which used to trouble me when I sleep I had to sleep half sitting.no medicine could cure me, today I don't sneeze and feel active. Abhi brother l am very grateful to you, and you are truly blessed 🙌 by the Divine. I am very lucky I hope the whole world would practice your teachings. I keep telling my friends and relatives to do your course. 🙏 you Abhi and blessings to you always. 🙏
I had the incredible opportunity to connect with Mr. Abhi Duggal, the visionary behind Meditate with Abhi. The experience was nothing short of divine. After starting his guided meditation and breathwork practices, I experienced a profound transformation in my health and overall well-being. For the past three years, I struggled with serious health issues, including heart problems and severe back pain. Doctors even recommended back surgery, but today, I am thrilled to say that I feel almost completely healed and in excellent health—at 65 years young! Beyond physical health, I now feel deeply connected with the universe and live a more peaceful, joyful life. Abhi Sir’s teachings have truly brought harmony and positivity into my daily existence. Abhi Sir is not only a genuine person but also a divine soul. Learning from him was an otherworldly, uplifting, and life-changing experience. I feel deeply grateful to God for guiding me to Abhi Sir and his incredible mission. A heartfelt thank-you to Abhi and everyone supporting his work. I wholeheartedly recommend his meditation and breathwork programs to anyone seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being.
Hi Abhi. I loved the course and would love to do more with you. I haven't noticed anything different yet, but I will return to the beginning and redo each day, at least three times. I find your course very intuitive and easy to follow, you give great intros to each day and I appreciate the advice at the end and the bonus's and free downloads. I am very happy to have found you and will definitely recommend you to my friends. Thanks very much Abhi. Namaste
Thank you for everything you have done here in the members' room. I have finished all the videos today and am super grateful for this fantastic learning, and am already looking forward to your next lessons and my daily practice with Swara. I love the energy shift I have been exposed to and will continue my journey with Swara with great gratitude. I bow deeply for your communication skills and energy Abhi keep doing what you do. I love it
It's enlightening to know more about the forces that influence my daily life. It's important to align myself with these forces instead of going against the current. You've inspired me to re-engage with my old habit of morning meditation. Thank you so much. I will do my very best to complete the 21 day practice of journaling the dominate nostril upon wakening. I'm looking forward more of your teachings.
The School of Breath provides a wealth of resources to improve my health, wellness, and spiritual growth. I use Abhiv’s videos daily to support my meditation and pranayama breathing. Each video is very well developed and presented. I am learning so much every day. Thank you Abhiv. 🙏
I just turned 82 and I feel , act and look much younger than that; a lot of people don’t understand how I stay interested in so many things and still paint and play instruments with joy and ease. Meditation and correct breathing does it! Thanks very much!
The way it is structured and explained. Thanks
great app, usefull for health
A lot of positive changes in my life.
It was great ... I really learned a lot .. thank you so much
A Yes I would be happy to recommend this course to others and I have recommended your YouTube channel to others already. 🥰
For many years, I've needed to breathe lightly because of atmospheric pollution and having asthma. Thanks